WKWebView support
Yu Song
I'm using sdk34 and WebView is not working
Brent Vatne
this is in sdk33. install the latest expo-cli then run expo install react-native-webview in your sdk33 project and it'll install a compatible version, then go ahead and use it
Kashif Ghaffar Asim
I am using Version 31.0.0 but still seen not working webview.
Johannes Linowski
Will features like "clear cookies" be available? With the current useWebKit="true" property of the regular WebView, this is not possible.
Đỗ Cao Thượng Dương
Since Expo SDK 31, WKWebView is now supported by React Native 0.57 🎉
Evan Bacon
moving this back to planned since it has since been pulled into react-native-web-view
Iagor Moraes
One thing I would like to share with you guys is, WebView right now does not allow you to use input type FILE, and you cannot integrate some things like intercom web, and there is other thing, you cannot check if other tab was opened, to open on external chrome or web browser, so please, do this feature integration with that problems in mind! Also I want to know if WKWebView is going to be added to android.
Daniel Hansson
Any news on WKWebView fro Expo?
Eirik Fosse
WKWebView has now been implemented and pushed to master in the react-native repo, but it has not been released yet (https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/1442c265da36601114ce184cd5bc322f45dc1b44). Will it be added to Expo before iOS 12 is released?
Nickolas Damofli
Since depreciation of UIWebView is less than a month close, what happens to published apps using it ? Are they gonna become unusable ? Is the only option detaching ? Are there any plans to implement WKWebview before the iOS 12 official release ? Thank you all @expo for this amazing tool.
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