Multiple images and Camera/Video Access for Image Picker
Jack Glendenning
Allow adding multiple images in specific order and camera/video access (Facebook and Instagram make good examples of these features). The user would no longer have to upload images one by one. A limit can also be set (e.g. 10) for how many images can be selected and a message appears when the limit is reached. It would add great convenience
Maurício R Duarte
the solution:
Demon Fox
This might help, need optimization
Brent Vatne
Brent Vatne
we don't expose native components for this but we do expose the primitives that you need to build this -- you can use CameraRoll to build it and ImageManipulator for editing, etc.
Alex Russell
Agreed. Brent Vatne is it worth merging this in to that?
Jesper Madsen
Dublicate of . Please vote for that instead