Improved Splash Screen API
You cannot do proper splashscreen without specifying a bunch of splashscreen for different screen ratio.
There is actually a lot of option to customize the loading screen.
- iconUrl
- exponentIconColor
- exponentIconGrayscale
- backgroundImageUrl
- backgroundColor
- hideExponentText
The fact is backgroundImageUrl doesn't allow to have a set of splashscreen, and pick the necessary one, given the ratio.
Susanta Chakraborty
hi , How can i remove splash screen from expo app, because i made a separate screen which will do that. so how can i direct go to that screen without showing any splash at all. it works on dev mode but when i build apk then it loads the splash then that screen ,i also remove all splash related info on app.json
Jose Browne
Amazing work!!! Tested and works great! 🙏🏽 🎆
Thank you, @brent and rest of expo.
Brent Vatne
See for the splash screen api. You get an option of resizeMode cover and contain, and background color. This generates the appropriate native launch screen files so in standalone apps it loads instantly and looks great. You can make a lot of different common styles of splash screens with just these primitives. Please create a follow up request if you have some other specific use cases that you would like to be handled
tran quyen
Brent Vatne: Expo's team can help to add feature: Custom loading indicator icon. I want to custom position of icon, also color and size of icon but can't do it
Hamed Abedini
Brent Vatne: Would it be also a possibility to have .gif animations added to the splash screen rather than just only .png?
Brent Vatne
As a stop gap (I really love the current loading screen on iOS in dev and prod) can we just have an option to render light hue spinners (in addition to the dark one already shipped as standard?)
Just something to go on my darker hue backgrounds (think white on blue = 😍 vs grey on blue = gross lol)
Jitender Badoni
do we have any option not have splash screen.?
Ashish Kumar
In ipad ,splash screen image size is small.Can we set different size images for different dpi devices or please do let me know if is there any alternative method available for this.
Can the loading spinner's size and color be customised please? Similar to a regular ActivityIndicator spinner in React Native.
Jose Browne
Just tried out sdk20 standalone build but unfortunately I still loads pretty badly (arguably a tad bit worst). First it presents a white screen, then a loader flashes for a second, then a bigger loader appears on the same white screen only after that do I see my custom AppLoader background image in all it's glory :P. This happens anytime the app launches or wakes up from inactive state.
Is the goal here to show the background splash image from launch until the app is ready (without any white screens or loaders ever)?
Jose Browne: Completely agree with this. Doesn't make the experience seem native at all.
harry porter
Jose Browne: I see the exact same behavior. Looks very unprofessional. I wonder if it was worth learning react native or had build with iOS itself...
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