Hide Android Bottom Buttons / Fullscreen Mode
Scott Morton Ashton
I need to hide the Android navigation buttons (e.g. the back arrow, home button, and so on at the bottom of the screen). To be clear, it's these buttons at the bottom of the screen:
The code to hide these elements is simple (see https://gist.github.com/dhrrgn/16a8dfa7581a682627c6), but would require me to detach from Expo (I'm using it for convenience) just to support it. Which is lame.
When I tried to set statusBar background color in androidNavigatonBar in app.json, I was unable to set the statusBar background color for redmi note 5 pro( mobiles which doesn't have notch), by default it was white. Please tell me how to fix this.
Glendon Philipp Baculio
Wodin: it's not working on fullscreen, sdk 37
Charlie Cruzan
This is complete, see the new documentation here under
- https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/workflow/configuration/#androidnavigationbarVivian Zhu
In progress here: https://github.com/expo/expo/pull/5280
Chinedu Ofor
Vivian Zhu: Has this been merged ?
Chinedu Ofor
Vivian Zhu: It's not working :(
Vivian Zhu
Chinedu Ofor: It’s merged
Vivian Zhu
Chinedu Ofor: Please open an issue regarding this problem with all your configuration/environment information.
Çağrı Çınar
big problem on tv boxes for me
Brandon Belvin
It would be great to be able to set Immersive Mode on Android to hide the navigation bar, just like I can with StatusBar for the top. https://developer.android.com/training/system-ui/immersive
Paul K
I'm very interested in show/hide and changing background color.
We have something like https://github.com/thebylito/react-native-navigation-bar-color for pure react-native which is able to show/hide and change background color for Android bottom virtual navigation bar. But to use it I need to detach which I don't want really.
Scott Morton Ashton
And API like ```
import { NavigationControlsAndroid } from 'expo' // Or react-native
//Inside componentWillMount()
//Inside componentWillUnmount()
And if you're feeling especially generous, the ability to hide the home bar on iPhone X
import { HomeIndicatorIOS } from 'expo' // Or react-native
//Inside componentWillMount()
//Inside componentWillUnmount()
The following links spell it out. Shouldn't take very long...
Scott Morton Ashton
Brent Vatne Also, for this one... I would most gladly pay $500 to you (or Expo in general) on PayPal for implementing this feature... It'd be sooo nice and it's worth that much to us. We REALLY don't want to eject.
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