Extract Barcode's position from Scanner's Video Feed
Jason Riggs
For example, this would allow someone on iOS to grab the bounding rectangle of a barcode/qr code from the video feed in order to highlight which one is currently selected (if there are multiple in view), or just to confirm visually where the code was located. Here's an example of iOS and Android native module that do this:
Brent Vatne
Haithem RIHANE
Brent Vatne: Congratulation
Evan Bacon
in progress
Evan Bacon
Merged in a post:
BarcodeScanner/Camera should include bounds data
Minh Đặng
I am using expo-barcode-scanner to scan QRcode, the problem is I need to draw the bounding box of all qr codes on the screen, which is only possible on Android because expo-barcode-scanner returns bounds data of detected QRcode. On iOS, the library does not return any bound data.
I would like to receive bound data on iOS just like how it does on Android. It's a terrible idea to eject from expo just because of the lack of bound data.
In my case I need bounding to create a custom scanner aid overlay so that barcodes outside of the overlay are ignored as the Scanner is often scanning the wrong Barcode when multiple barcodes are visible (e.g. on the edge of the screen). Additionally I would like give the user the option to highlight/select/confirm the desired QR code.
But currently the BarCodeScanner only scans a single barcode at a time and ignores the others completely. It does not even favour barcodes in the middle of the screen but seems to select the barcode with the lowest value - at least that seemed to be the case when I tested is (see attached screenshot - I used my phone to scan the screen and logged the event object of the onBarCodeRead callback).
So my additional request to adding barcode boundaries would be that the Camera/BarcodeScanner should be able to scan multiple barcodes as once (maybe configurable via props), e.g. by triggering the callback for each barcode ones or provide an array of recognized barcodes.