External Storage API
With all other file storage packages for the bare workflow that supported external storage being essentially dead this feature would be huge. I think there are quite a few people who would like to access external storage for saving large media files.
Carl Irving
I was really surprised to find this feature unavailable.
Alexander James Phillips
This feature would be very useful. Particularly for manipulating and analysing data (in my case a sqlite db) that you collect in the course of using an app you're developing.
( Link back to an expo forum question on the same topic: https://forums.expo.io/t/how-to-save-file-to-external-directory-sdcard-on-android/5698 )
Alex Royo
This feature would save many lives and avoid much frustration.
Estefan Antelo Doval
I was just thinking, this could be an easy one to integrate into the existent FileSystem API. I would just expose the external storage paths as constants and that's basically it. Everything else should be handled by the existing File API I guess. At least if you have set the permissions correctly.
Luiz Fernando Softov
Estefan Antelo Doval: They are using something like that in webview,
In webView.setDownloadListener
request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, fileName);
PR would be more than welcomed!