Currently, the Expo ImagePicker module offers the videoMaxDuration option to limit the duration of videos recorded using the device's camera. However, there is no built-in functionality to allow users to crop videos to a specified duration after selection or recording. This feature request proposes the enhancement of the ImagePicker module to include:​
In-App Video Cropping Tool: Introduce a cropping interface that activates after a user selects a video from the gallery or records a new one. This tool would enable users to trim the video to a specified maximum duration (e.g., one minute) before proceeding with the upload.​
Flexible Cropping: Allow users to select any segment within the video, up to the maximum allowed duration.​
User-Friendly Interface: Provide an intuitive and responsive UI for precise trimming, ensuring a seamless user experience.​
Consistent Behavior Across Platforms: Ensure that the in-app cropping functionality is uniformly implemented across iOS, Android, and web platforms to maintain a consistent user experience.​
Use Case:
In applications where user-generated video content is limited to a specific duration (e.g., one minute), this feature would:​
Enhance User Experience: Allow users to select or record videos of any length and then trim them within the app to meet the duration requirements, eliminating the need for external editing tools.​
Streamline Content Management: Ensure that all uploaded videos adhere to the predefined duration constraints, simplifying content moderation and playback consistency.​
Performance Optimization: Implement efficient video processing to minimize delays during the cropping process, ensuring a smooth user experience.​
User Guidance: Provide clear instructions within the cropping interface to assist users in trimming their videos effectively.​
By incorporating this enhancement, the Expo ImagePicker module would offer more robust and flexible video handling capabilities, catering to applications with specific video duration requirements.